Friday, December 09, 2005

The Oracle Has Spoken

I received a message from a man who was not blind, tho he did work in an office with no windows:

"You seek a great fortune...And you will find a fortune- though it will not be the fortune you seek....But first, first you must travel a long and difficult road- a road fraught with peril and pregnant with adventure. You shall see things wonderful to tell. You shall see a nappy afro with an odd, ashy grey spot in its center. You shall see a white, second-rate forward who can't rebound be paid like an all-star. And oh so many startlements...But fear not the obstacles in your path, for Fate has vouchsafed your reward. And though the road may wind, and yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye foller the way, even unto your salvation."

In other words take the Pistons, -4.5 on the road.


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