Thursday, January 19, 2006

Here We Are, Face to Face

The NBA has suspended Antonio Davis for 5 games for entering the stands in last night's Knicks/Bulls game. Davis will forfeit $630,227.25 of salary as a result of missing those games. Michael Axelrod, the fan involved in the confrontation with Kendra Davis wants Antonio to cough up a million more for battery and slander. Once again, I'm forced to ask myself: "Is douchebag one word or two?" The "battery" in question was allegedly being scratched by Kendra Davis. The "slander" was Antonio Davis saying that Mr. Axelrod was intoxicated. Yeah, that sounds like it's worth a million.

To make things more interesting, Michael Axelrod's father is David Axelrod- a prominent political consultant for the Democratic party. Axelrod is senior partner of AKP Message & Media and played a prominent role in Barack Obama's 2004 election to the US Senate. That's just what Democrats need- another example of someone in their party running to the legal system anytime they feel slighted. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly, but I would be absolutely shocked if those guys don't pounce all over this story and indict the party as a whole.

Republican or Democrat, if you'd like to contact Michael Axelrod and make sure he's aware of the possible implications of his 22 year old son's (who judging by his seats and his daddy, we can assume is already wealthy) lawsuit, or if you just want to make sure he's aware that his spoiled little boy is now a spoiled adult, you can contact him at .


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